Feria Ch.ACO, El mostrador, Chile (Nov 9, 2022)
Tolentino, Israel, Hilos que resisten, Lima (Oct 22, 2022)
Artishock Gabriela Germana, Arte Textil Peruano, Hilos que resisten, Lima (Oct 18, 2022)
New American Painting #160 South Edition, NAP (August 10, 2022)
Relic, Peter, “Gonzalo y Todd Arriba!”, SCAD Works (August 9, 2022)
Artist Highlight, Bakehouse Art Complex, Miami (June 14, 2022)
Artishock Notes, VigilGonzales, Cuzco (May 28, 2022)
Terremoto ‘Notes’, Vigil Gonzales Galeria, Mexico (May 19, 2022)
VoyageMIA, Local Stories, Miami (April 7, 2022)
CrushFanzineMagazine, New York (Mar 14, 2022)
Making Space, The Campus, Allegheny (Mar 4, 2022)
Galeria Rebelde exhibits Textile Art en la Historia de la Lona, Arte al Dia (Feb 15, 2022)
La historia de la Lona, Artishock revista (Feb 08, 2022)
Neil Thrun Who We Were, Who We Are, Who We Will Be, KC Studio (August 26, 2021)
Charlotte Street Foundation, Katy Henriksen, Hyperallergic (August 17, 2021)
La experiencia del espacio, OSMOSIS, Lima Peru (Abril 18, 2021)
Vigil Gonzales galeria, Arte Al Dia (Febrero 27, 2021)
Genis, Leia, Art Papers (January 27, 2021)
Relic, Peter, “Gonzalo Hernandez keeps mixing emotions”, SCAD Works (December 2, 2020)
Youngblut, Nicole, “Eliminating distinctions between art and life” (December 1, 2020)
Artist of the week, LVL3 Chicago (November 17, 2020)
Erie Arts & Culture, Erie, PE (October 20, 2020)
Relic, Peter, “What wood Gonzalo do?” (August 27, 2019)
Ulmer, Katelynn, Fibers M.F.A. Spotlight: Gonzalo Hernandez (April 18, 2019)
Flora, Rachael, “5 Questions with Gonzalo Hernandez” (January 30, 2019)
Genis, Leia, Under the Bridge (May 31, 2018)
Artland, Usa (Apr 20, 2022)
Notes, Talk with Gibran Villalobos, Vigil Gonzales, Online
La Historia de la Lona, Conversatorio, La Galeria Rebelde, Online
SIH, Zoom talk, The End Space, Atlanta, Ga
Quick chat with Dainy Tapia, ART.SEEN.365, Miami, Fl
Manana, Web de Critica, Examenpe, Lima, Peru
Olenka Macassi, Textos Libres, Lima, Peru, Online
Presentacion Libro “):)”, Max Hernandez, Ralph Bauer y Veronica Majluf, Libreria SUR, Lima, PERU
“Tour the diverse artistry of painter Gonzalo Hernandez on 'Guests and Gusto'”, SCAD Museum of Art, Savannah, USA
Guest lecturer, FIBR 337 (Deborah First), Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, USA
Guest lecturer, Fibers Department, Abrir Galeria, Savannah College of Art and Design, Savannah, USA
Taller de Artista Fidel Barandarian, Lima, PERU
ARTSINC “Workshare”, Kansas City, USA
Virtual Studio Visits, Valeria Rovatti, ARGENTINA
Share Screen: Closed Parentheses, Colon, Closed Parentheses, Chuquimarca, Chicago, USA